Before You Begin¶
Battleaid is targeted towards intermediate and above users.
Battleaid is only available for Java projects.
A GitHub account is required.
Battle is not for the faint of heart, and neither is Battleaid.
While this project hopes to provide valuable learning opportunities, beginner programmers may find some topics challenging. If you’re just starting your software development journey, this project might not be the best resource for you. And that’s ok! Software development is difficult, and the learning curve is steep. If you’re a highschool kid that wants to learn software, you’ve got your whole life ahead of you to do so, so don’t rush it!
If you’re a beginner and still think you’re up for this, you have been warned. You will encounter difficulties that Battleaid will not solve for you. Expect road bumps. Don’t blame Battleaid (or its creator) if you don’t understand something.
With this in mind, note that these docs will only hold your hand as much as is required.
Users are expected to be familiar with the following:
build systemfilesystems
In general, a user will benefit the most from Battleaid if they have experience with CLIs. This can not be stressed enough. Unlocking the full potential of your computer is inevitably linked with a solid grip on the terminal.
Here I pause. If you wish to walk no farther with me, reader, I do not blame you. It is no easy road.
-- Gene Wolfe, Book of the New Sun